5 simple tips to get rid of face and neck fat
Some people suffer from the accumulation of fat in specific areas of the body without others, and the accumulation of fat in the face and neck regions is a source of inconvenience for many, but this problem can be eliminated by following some simple healthy habits to increase fat burning and slim the face.
"The cosmos
On the following pages, he has just presented simple tips to help get rid of fat on the face and neck, according to the "Health line" site.
1- Facial exercises
Face and neck exercises can be used to improve facial appearance, anti-aging, and improve muscle strength, another study showed that performing facial muscle exercises twice daily for 8 weeks increases muscle thickness, improves facial rejuvenation and helps get rid of fat accumulated in the face and neck areas, so it must be combined Those exercises to your daily and weekly exercise schedule.
2- Cardio exercises
Excess face fat is often the result of excess body fat, weight loss can lead to increased fat loss and help slim the body and face, and cardio or aerobic exercise is any type of physical activity that increases the heart rate. By and large one of the most effective methods for losing weight in general.
3- Drinking water
Drinking water is essential to overall health and can be especially important if you are looking to lose face fat.Studies show that water helps you feel full and promotes weight loss, and drinking it before a meal reduces the number of calories consumed, which reduces Chances of accumulation of fat in different areas of the body.
4- Stay away from refined carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates such as biscuits, crackers, and pasta are a common cause of weight gain and weight gain, due to heavy processing of these carbohydrates, which strips them of beneficial nutrients, and because they contain very little fiber, they are digested quickly, leading to high and low blood sugar levels and an increased risk of overeating Eating food causes fat to accumulate in the abdomen, arms, and buttocks, as well as the face and neck.
5- Reducing sodium
Excessive sodium intake contributes to facial swelling and swelling, because sodium causes the body to retain an additional amount of water, which leads to fluid retention. Several studies have shown that high intake of sodium can increase fluid retention, especially in people who are more sensitive to the effects of salt. .